If Your Gmail Inbox Is Full, Here’s How You Can Get Back 15GB of Free Storage

These days, it’s pretty easy to burn through the 15GB of free storage that comes with your Gmail account. If you forget to delete those promotional messages from businesses you no longer shop at, or you lose track of all the newsletters you’ve subscribed to over the years, it won’t take long for you to end up with thousands of unread emails.

Maybe you’ve been meaning to clean out your Gmail inbox, but the thought of sifting through countless old messages feels daunting. Fortunately, there are ways to free up storage in your Google account while keeping all your old email accessible.

Primary Strategy: Use Google’s Built-in Tools

Before considering third-party solutions, it’s best to start with Google’s native tools for managing your Gmail storage:

  1. Archive instead of delete: Use the archive feature to move emails out of your inbox without deleting them. This keeps your inbox clean while preserving your messages.
  2. Use filters: Set up filters to automatically archive, label, or delete certain types of emails as they arrive.
  3. Delete large attachments: Search for emails with large attachments using “has:attachment larger:10MB” and delete unnecessary files.
  4. Empty your trash and spam folders: These still count towards your storage quota until permanently deleted.
  5. Use Google One: If you need more storage, consider upgrading to a paid Google One plan for additional space across Gmail, Drive, and Photos.

Backup Strategy: Email Parser Tool

If you’ve exhausted the built-in options and still need more space, there’s a third-party tool that can help: the Email Parser app available in the Google Workspace Marketplace.

How the Email Parser Tool Works

The Email Parser is a powerful tool that can extract data from your emails and save it in various formats. While its primary purpose is data extraction, it can also be used as a backup solution for your emails. Here’s how you can use it to free up space:

  1. Install the app: Add the Email Parser to your Google Workspace account from the Marketplace.
  2. Set up parsing rules: Create rules to extract the essential information from your emails, such as sender, date, subject, and body text.
  3. Run the parser: Process your emails through the parser, which will extract the defined data.
  4. Export the data: Save the extracted data as a spreadsheet or in another compact format.
  5. Delete original emails: Once you’ve verified that the important information has been extracted and saved, you can delete the original emails to free up space.

Advantages of Using Email Parser

  • Selective backup: You can choose which parts of your emails to keep, potentially saving more space than a full backup.
  • Structured data: The extracted information is organized, making it easier to search and analyze later.
  • Integration: As a Workspace app, it integrates smoothly with your Google account.

Considerations When Using Email Parser

  • Setup time: Creating effective parsing rules may take some time and effort.
  • Data format: The extracted data won’t be in the original email format, which may not be ideal for all users.
  • Privacy: Ensure you’re comfortable with the app’s privacy policy before granting access to your emails.

Final Thoughts

While Google’s native tools should be your first line of defense against a full Gmail inbox, the Email Parser tool offers a unique backup solution for those who need to drastically reduce their email storage footprint while retaining important information.

Remember, no matter which method you choose, it’s always a good idea to have a full backup of your emails before making any significant changes to your account. You can do this using Google Takeout, which allows you to download all your Gmail data.

By combining these strategies – using Google’s built-in tools, considering a Google One upgrade, and potentially employing the Email Parser as a last resort – you can effectively manage your Gmail storage and keep your inbox under control without losing access to important information.

Export Your Emails to Sheets

Stop copying and pasting!
